The 2025 Summer Meeting will be held at the Engineering Building of the University of Manchester, 29th June–2nd July.
This event will host once again three fantastic guest lecturers - Professors Oliver Howes, Angela Roberts and Kim Kuypers - to accompany a great programme of symposia and training opportunities.
The BAP Summer Meeting provides a fantastic environment to all those interested in psychopharmacology, BAP members and non-members, non-clinical and clinical scientists. The latest advances can be discussed in symposia, while socialising at the poster session. We will have a number of carefully selected symposia.
It also has a number of initiatives for our training members, including our Buddy Scheme, the Career Development Workshop, as well as numerous bursaries to support our younger members’ attendance. With several poster prizes, the annual Post-Doctoral Symposia, and a Gala Dinner (and disco!).
This meeting will be held face to face only. Sessions will not be recorded, and there will be no facility for attending online.